beans wrote:
Thanks, Gigi, for fixing that link. You cannot even imagine what a great job she has done. She even added an outdoor space where the pelagic pools are and had the window of the existing room changed into a door so she did not have to go around the building to get to the pools. These fledglings become very active at night because they want to get to the ocean. So she must bring them inside each night and put them into covered net-bottomed pens, which she also designed, and are superior to the ones at IBRRC in that they are easy to take apart and clean. I believe she is working on a research paper, which she will submit to NWRA. Because I saw the area where the birds were temporarily kept a few years ago, I can vouch for the difference now.
Wow! You must be so proud of her. Sounds like she has come a long way in a short amount of time. Keep us posted beans!