Resumee for our English-speaking visitors
Troubles at the Annia’s nest started during incubation (she was sitting on four eggs) when an usurper female (we called her Grimilde) injured Annia in flight. Annia was found 1 km away from the nest, on the ground in the traffic near a metro station and brought immediately to a rehabilitation center where she is still now recovering from the injury. The male tried to continue the incubation but the usurper female, every time she entered in the nest, was scattering the eggs all around. Therefore, we decided to place the egg in a safe place (an incubator) and replace them with fake eggs. The idea was to keep the male on the incubating duties with the hope of releasing soon his female Annia. When we replaced the eggs was a cold and raining day and the eggs were cold when we placed them in the incubator. Meantime the male continued for a couple of days to sit on the eggs but the usurper female made his task very hard and at the end after several attempts he abandoned the eggs and replied to the female courtship bowing. The eggs in the incubator hatched on April 6th (two eggs) and on April 8th (one egg). One egg had a dead embryo inside, probably dead because of the cold insult. Also, one of the three chicks had a delayed growth of the left part of its body (leg and wing), but during the growth he perfectly recovered (probably the left part of the body was that towards the eggs shell which was more exposed to cold. The right part, more internal was normal…). We raised the three chicks with the hope to place them in another nest. Chicks in Alba’s nest were hatching in the same days but were already three and we did not want to disturb Alba during the brooding phase and give her too many chicks. Therefore, for the first ten days we raised the chicks, then, since we could not add them all in the nest of Alba at the same time, we placed first one, then a second and without giving her more than five chicks we replaced one after the other the three brothers leaving them in the nest for about 4-5 days. The reason to introduce the chicks in the Alba’s nest was mainly to reduce their imprinting and habituate them be nourished by a falcon. Meantime two weeks later hatching occurred in the nest of Vergine (three eggs, three chicks) and Aloa (three eggs one chick). However, the newborn were too small to share the nest with the other chicks, Therefore we decided to move the chick from Aloa to Vergine and to give to Aloa the three older chicks. The most critical step was the replacement of the small chick of Aloa with one of the larger chicks. There was some difficulties because Aloa was still in the mood of brooding and she wanted to keep the larger chick under her wings whereas it did not like the idea. However, after a couple of hours they found a compromise and she sat next to him. Then after the small was replaced with the large chick, we could add the other two brothers in the nest. So at the end: -Alba is back with her original three chicks -Aloa is raising the three chicks hatched from the clutch of Annia (which otherwise could have gone lost), and -Vergine is raising her three chicks + one chick of Aloa
Alba ha worked hardly for one week to keep five instead of three chicks Aloa has shortened her duties of about two weeks but had to adapt abruptly from raising one small chick to raise three larger chicks
Statistiche: Inviato da Giac — mer mag 01, 2019 11:42 pm