Just received this about Jim and Cindy, Boonsoft Museum of Discovery in Dayton Ohio.
Cam going live on February 7!
"What Are You Doing On February 17th?by eaglejim
Jim and Cindy would like to know.
On that date (barring any unforeseen problems) our Dayton, Ohio resident Bald Eagles will again become internet sensations as our partners at The Boonshoft Museum of Discovery will begin their fourth year of streaming live video of the aerie in the City of Dayton Mad River Well Field! The link to the video feed will be found on the boonshoftmuseum.org Raptor Cam page. There you will also find a link to many more of Roger's stunning pictures as well as a link to this blog to keep everyone updated on progress at the nest and the parts of the story that the fixed video camera cannot show.
Jim and Cindy are doing their part to make the 2014 nesting season a successful one. I watched them diligently working on the nursery this morning. As in years past, Cindy stayed in the nest arranging and rearranging sticks while Jim brought more and more building materials to the nest. I did not see Jim bringing any moss, evergreen boughs or grass to the nest, although I was quite a distance away, so the nursery floor is not being carpeted yet. But all indications are that we are on schedule for the first egg being deposited in the nest in mid-February again this year.
Jim and Cindy, along with several wandering adults and juvenile Bald Eagles, are fishing the rivers downtown. Roger, Ray and I have captured many images over the last week of the action. As long as the lakes are frozen over, the rivers are the pantries of choice. There is still a pool of open water in the center of Eastwood Lake and that pool has provided a good fishing spot over the past month but ice fishermen have set up tents on the frozen surface of the lake and the human presence has scared the eagles and other wildlife away. Eventually the fishermen will leave as the ice thins but the unfrozen lake will allow the eagles a much wider pool to fish from and make viewing them more difficult."