EstoniaThe banding of black storklets was performed on June 29th
Estonian black stork banding – part 1: black stork banding – part 2: ... creen&NR=1Published on Jun 29, 2012 by
macko481021But either during the banding or shortly afterwards, one of the storklets injured its beak – it has been broken."Has the storklet's beak been injured during the ringing? - I think, no.
When eating the fish, some bloody remnant stuck to the storklet's beak and he could neither swallow it, nor get rid of it." - quotation from the forum. ... re=relatedPublished on Jul 1, 2012 by
StorksloverThe person performing the banding admitted, that it could have happened during the banding. Black storks are known to fight fiercely when being dealt with.
On July 2nd, the injured bird was taken out of the nest and submitted to treatment. Probably surgery will be necessary. There is hope that afterwards the storklet will be returned to the nest, but this is not certain.
Storklet being taken for treatment July 2, 2012 ... r_embeddedPublished on Jul 2, 2012 by
1FelisSilvestrisFeeding of the remaining two chicks on July 3rd: ... creen&NR=1Published on Jul 3, 2012 by