We all love Phoebe!
Video: Allen’s Hummingbird has two eggs in her nestAffectionately called Phoebe, this Allen’s Hummingbird has two eggs in her nest.
From the website:
“Living in Southern California, we are blessed to be joined by numerous species of birds and several years ago we noticed a hummingbird setting up her nest in our yard. What amazed us is we thought it would be a one-time event, but she kept coming back year after year. After several years, we thought it would be fun to get a closer look and set up our first webcam in 2007. As the number of viewers grew, in March 2009 we moved the broadcast to Ustream.tv, and then the number of viewers exploded. In less than a year, we had over 1 million views, and had climbed to the 2nd most popular birding site on the web. Phoebe has a dedicated community of followers from all around the world, and we love hearing that school children are learning about hummingbirds with the help of our webcam and that Phoebe has inspired visual artists, musicians, poets, and more.
Who is Phoebe?
Phoebe is a non-migratory Channel Islands Allen's Hummingbird. She builds her nests in a rose bush, and the nest is about the size of a golf ball, with eggs being about the size of a tic-tac candy. The season for nesting is October through May/early June, and Phoebe will lay four to five clutches per season. One or two eggs are laid per clutch, they hatch after 17 days, and the chicks typically fly three to four weeks later. Phoebe will sometimes build a new nest, but frequently repairs old nests.”