kittenface wrote:
Talon is missing. (from the sun up to sun down)
Deborah has been on high alert all day. She has left the babies for long periods of time once 45 minutes. Are they old enough to be by themselves that long & stay warm? Where is Talon? I'm trying to fight back the tears, but its not working very well. Deborah have been feeding them every time she comes back, but how long can she do that. Please if someone can help keep an eye out once in a while that would be awesome.
Video (very long) coming soon.
Hi Kitten - So sorry to hear this. I will try to watch this cam tomorrow and try to catch 2 adults.
Peregrine chicks start self-regulating their temperatures around 10 days when their 2nd down comes in. Now, I don't know how warm it has been in Oshkosh, but it was very warm in some other mid-west cities, which caused a lot of Mom's to stay off the babies today and yesterday.
Talon may be hunting and patrolling the area, causing his absence. Normally, during the first few days after hatch the female will do the majority of the brooding and feeding. Sometimes we won't see a male come in to cover the chicks for the first few days. That Deborah is coming back each time with food leads me to believe he may be there, just off cam.
I don't want to blow off the fact that he has not been seen as there have been so many strange things happening this year at so many nests, but I also feel that it is possibly explainable.
I hope this helps, and I know SGB/Bev/Carly/Ljames/Catwoman and so many other experienced cam watchers can add more to what I've written.
I will keep him in my prayers and watch for him tomorrow.