LeeLee wrote:
. . . why doesnt she just follow Liberty and give up the nest then
It's ALL about territory. We've seen it with Eagles and Peregrine Falcons. The nest and surrounding territory is more important than the mate. And nature also is all about survival of the fittest.
So when a new male challenges the resident male, the stronger one wins and the female will accept him as her partner.
It is HER nest, her "kingdom" and she needs a mate that is strong and able to provide for her and her offspring.
The bond between male and female is strong, they are completely committed to each other, but only as long as each one of the pair is capable of defending the territory. If not, that's it the end of the relationship.
We humans have added all kinds of other considerations into our relationship with a mate/partner. And that is okay for us (or maybe not . . . ), but we must be aware not to expect the same thoughts and feelings and emotions in animals.
It doesn't mean that we can't feel sad and sorry when such a transition takes place, but we must never forget that this what life in the wild is all about and that we can only observe and admire all that we witness and learn from it.