I wasn't sure where this should go since it concerns several of our four legged species, but here goes.
Well, I'm trying to figure out just what to do... Sunday, one of the animals brought in a chipmunk as part of their "Catch and Release" program. I, of course, was not aware of it, but Maggie my trusty beagle with the best nose in the universe, kept telling me something was back in my bedroom, specifically near one of the windows.
I opened the curtains, raised the blinds and shook everything and was convinced that she must be mistaken. However, Maggie would not give up. I moved furniture away from the walls, reshook the curtains, got a flashlight to look behind everything and still couldn't find anything.
Finally, in her frenzy, she pulled on the curtains so much that the rod came out of the wall! A table next to the chair in front of the window became a casualty along with all the photos it held. Still no sign of the varmint. I laid the curtains across the ironing board that I had up for a sewing project and she proceeded to pull them down to the floor again. All the while this is going on, the three cats are on the bed, sitting at full attention, watching every move she made with turning heads as if this was one heck of a spectator sport. It was a riot.
Then it happened. I picked up the curtains again and shook them out to remove the wrinkles and OUT POPS THE CHIPMUNK. He must have somehow been hiding between the lining and fabric and lost his grip with that final shake. Well, you can imagine the pandemonium that ensued!
The chipmunk was racing back and forth behind the remaining furniture against the wall, Maggie was knocking everything over in her path, and the cats by this time, had run for their lives too.
We finally got the chipmunk in a corner, behind a pillow. Frank went to get the Have A Heart trap and we were able to scoot the lil guy in for release outdoors. We showed Maggie the cage with the chipmunk before taking him far away for release, but Maggie, bless her beagle heart, had a hard time settling down that night and continued to sniff [not with the intensity as before] until she dropped from exhaustion into a deep sleep. I can only imagine the dreams she had that night!
The room is still pretty much a shambles. If I hadn't witnessed the whole thing, I would have thought we had been ransacked and robbed! As far as I can figure, I need to completely dismantle the window treatment before I can repair the wall to rehang the rod and drapes.
So now, I look at the mess, quietly shake my head, and think I am not ready to tackle it just yet.
I do love my animals!
_________________ "Always try to be a little kinder than is necessary." ~ J. M. Barrie