From eagleholic:
Sutton Sequoyah nest failureJanuary 13, 2013 — bald eagle, birds, Eagle, eaglecam, egg, failure, nature, nest, raptors, Sequoyah, Sutton Center
It is always so hard to report these things. But it seems clear that the nesting season is over much too early for the Sutton Sequoyah cam Bald Eagle Pair. The eggs which were due to hatch in the next few days have been abandoned, and I think at this point, everyone is just hoping that the adults survive amid whatever challenges they are facing, whether intruders or drought or something else. And for most people, the comments that I’ve seen (and I agree), it seems better to have the eggs fail, than to hatch and have eaglets starve or suffer. But that doesn’t make it any easier to watch it all play out. While we will probably never know exactly what happened, the existence of the eaglecam has again given us a unique and educational (if sad) view into the world of mother nature.
On these types of days, when I have to report these sad moments, it is hard not to wonder if the tears of sadness that go along with the learning, fun and true joy of being so close to nature with the cams, is worth it. But in the end I am always drawn back to those positives and the thought that as more people get connected with nature through the amazing webcams, appreciation for and understanding of our natural world remains an important topic for everyone to share."