I wasn't sure where to post this...
Video: Tiny Eurasian Nuthatch Prepares her NestThe Eurasian Nuthatch, Sitta europaea, is a small passerine found throughout temperate Europe and Asia, although not in Ireland. It belongs to the nuthatch family Sittidae. This bird is the most common and most widespread nuthatch, and is often referred to just as the Nuthatch. Source: Wikipedia
The nestbox we see is actually meant for Tawny Owls. The opening is too large for the Nuthatches, who need an opening not larger than 5 cm in diameter. In previous years, the Nuthatch solved that problem by reducing the entrance using clay, a trick Nuthatches often use.
The Nuthatches have been inspecting this nestbox, eating some insects, and tapping against the edge of the entrance hole. It has passed their scrutiny, and so now building the nest has begun.
From the Geniet van de Lente forum:
“Building the nest happens in 3 phases: first, various potential nest cavities are cleaned up early in spring. Once the definitive nest spot has been picked, adjusting the entrance hole starts at the same time as furnishing. First, a basis is laid of wood chips. Esp. in square nestboxes and in deep tree cavities lots of filler material is used. On top of that, the real furnishing material is placed. Thin pieces of (Scots) Pine (Pinus sylvestris) bark are by far preferred. Nuthatches may fly distances of a several hundred yards to fetch that stuff. If it really isn't available, a bed is made of dry leaves and bark of other trees. Only the female bird will enter with nest material, put it down and make circular movements to create a comfortable nest "bowl".
Mr. Nuthatch limits himself to a supporting role. Observing nest building from scratch showed that the female brought material 297 times vs. the male only 11 times.
The female is busy "mortaring" the entrance hole. Cracks and crevices are also closed. In the top right hand corner the result of her craftsmanship slowly becomes visible. As said before, the female does most of the work, the male guards the scene. The material used for "mortaring" is diverse: earth, mud, cow manure and even a freshly laid dog turd. Good thing birds can hardly smell ...”
The live cams and forum are sponsored by the Dutch Society for the Protection of Birds (VBN).
Geniet van de Lente (enjoy spring) forum, with English translations:
http://genietvandelente.nl/index.phpBeleef de Lente (experience spring) live cams: