The count down is on...Once again I'm late getting the data in - though this week it was
because the satellite wouldn't let me connect to it to download the data.
Don't know what was wrong because it worked today, so sorry for keeping
you all waiting.
Rothes hasn't left Ilha de Unhocomozinho. She's moving about,
in the same area of the island. But that's all I can say about her.
Things are slightly more exciting here at Abernethy (not that knowing Rothes
is still alive and well isn't a good thing, but I have to say the anticipation of 'our'
ospreys coming back to Loch Garten is more exciting right now). With reports
coming in of ospreys seen on their way back it's only a matter of time... The new
team at LG are busy with all the preparation for the new season
(with one eye to the sky no doubt!).
There are a million and one things to do before the end of March,
goldeneye nestboxes need preparing for the coming season, signage
that gets taken down over the winter found and put back up.... The list seems never ending!
Stewart, our longest serving member of staff (34 years) is retiring at the
end of March. He was the first permanant warden at Loch Garten from the
70s when rspb first bought land there (though obviously rspb had a presence
there from the 50s, though back then the wardens were seasonal and
with the ospreys). He's seen the reserve grow from just a relatively small
area to the massive site it is now. We'd all like to wish him well, and I'm sure
the time he no longer has to spend in the office will be enjoyably spent in
the forest and wider reserve finding more species new to the reserve.
More next week - though all being well, the new osprey team will be taking
to the helm to bring you all the up to the minute (so to speak)
happenings from the nest.
Posted by Alice Macmillan at 17:19 on 23 March 2010. ... is-on.aspx