From AEF NEFL Eagle Nest Chat
Sep 11, 2:36 AM
debistl_AEF (Moderator): FROM GRETCHEN: NEFL WebCam streaming went down around 7:50 p.m., as was expected at some point. Strong winds and heavy rains continue at the nest but no damage. They have downgraded the forecast to a CAT2 hurricane and it is moving faster than expected, which she says is better than slower. Trust the Eagles, and be patient. Updates will be posted in the NEFL chat box. Please keep Romeo and Juliet in your prayers, in addition to all in Irma's path
Sep 11, 2:36 AM
debistl_AEF (Moderator): UPDATE ~ The electricity went out in the area but it looks like cams will or have come up, even if for a little while. Trust the Eagles, and be patient
Sep 11, 11:00 AM
squee_AEF (Moderator): Good morning! temps now in the upper 70's. tropical storm conditions this morning with showers/ heavy downpours and gusty winds. Cloudy and windy this afternoon, temps in the low 80's. Winds will be at 40-60 mph, decreasing to 25-35 mph. Enjoy your day and please keep your thoughts and prayers for all in the path of Irma!
Sep 11, 11:41 AM
squee_AEF (Moderator): Long Leaf Pine trees(which nest is in), can grow 100-120 feet tall, are 2 1/2 feet in diameter and live 300+ years. Very sturdy trees! Trust The Eagles!
Sep 11, 1:50 PM
gretchen_AEF (Admin): Good Morning. Your ground crew is fine. It was an awful night hearing the roaring wind and pounding rain. Glenn has been to the nest and it appears ok. There is standing water in the immediate area, but considering the strength we endured, it is amazing things aren't worse. We are checking the cams, and waiting for our Romeo and Juliet to return after the wind subsides and rain stops. It's still rough out. Prayers for their return are appreciated.
Sep 11, 1:51 PM
gretchen_AEF (Admin): Power and cable were only out for 12 hrs. . . .amazing work by the power company.