A great report from the Raptor Resource Project FB page: "SuperMom!
by Sherri Elliott
Okay, I admit it. The person who always tries to dispense the “don’t worry, trust the eagles” mantra was not only worried but profoundly panicked after Dad disappeared and wondered how you would ever manage to feed and care for three 2-week old eaglets all by yourself without your loving partner and life mate. You proved me wrong by completely rewriting the Single Eagle Mom’s Handbook and gave us all new insight into your SuperMom status while completely redefining the attributes of dedication, perseverance, tenacity, devotion, determination, strength and stamina. And in the process over the past 14 weeks, we have an even greater admiration and love for you and your supereagle prowess.
The first few days were painful, watching you look about and plaintively call for Dad. While I don’t want to ascribe or attach our emotions to anthropomorphize, it was obvious that your loss was deep. We watched you diligently redefine your double duties and dote on the dddarlings while using up all the stockpiled smorgasbord of sucker fish, duck, and squirrel in the pantree for three days while also having to defend your nest and your territory from an unwanted interloper, and then you set about to purvey the provisions for yourself and the eaglets.
The first day of grocery shopping on April 23rd was bountiful … a big floppy fish for Breakfish, followed by a young rabbit for Lunch, and a 2-for-1 coupon was used at the hatchery pond hauling home a big fish in each foot for Supper. I knew then you had this and decided to keep a log of the daily deliveries seen on cam. It didn’t matter to me if you ate some or if it was all doled out to the ddd’s … it was a record of your prowess purveying the provisions, and you didn’t disappoint.
From 4-22 through 7-15: Trout & Suckerfish … 470; Squirrels … 4; Rabbits … 2; Pigeon …1; Mystery Meat … 2. There was also 1 mouse not seen on camera, but captured in photos from on-site fans delivered to a hungry eaglet for a tree branch picnic.
Also noteworthy were the multiple days of double-digit deliveries of fish (10, 11, 12) during the ddd’s most demanding developmental times, and a new Decorah record of 16 fish in one day with two deliveries using a doubled 2-for-1 hatchery coupon! Wow!! Also impressive was the fish fledge of 6-7 when an eager eaglet miscalculated and the floppy fish went flying overboard, and not missing a beat, Mom looked below to find it and then went and retrieved it and brought it back in! Another Wow!!
While the totals show an abundance of fish for the ddd’s, there was also various other protein that they ate, and while watching Mom de-feather or de-fur, they imprinted the techniques to unzip to get to the meat of the matter. For those who have worried that they might not know what to do when presented with other prey options, I’ll say … don’t worry … trust the eagles. For the first year, a lot of what they will eat will be carrion, or prey pirated or pilfered from others. They will continue to learn from Mom in Outdoor School, and they will continue to learn from other juveniles, sub-adults, and adults as they expand their horizons after dispersal.
I’m going to continue to document deliveries, and hopefully, it will include footnotes of the eaglets not just finding their own fish as they did after the recent storm waters receded, but also any prey they hunted, fished, purveyed or pilfered on their own. I’ve already heard that all three Juveee’s were walking around the hatchery this morning scoping out how the fish vending machines work, and understand that D31 found his/her own fish there to eat.
Meanwhile, Kudos Mom for what many of us might think is going above and beyond the call of duty when actually this is just your own superpowers you showed this season. Dad would be so proud of your amazing accomplishments just as we are with Decorah’s newest Raptor Force Air Squadron.
Look, up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's SuperMom!
** I’m attaching a couple of my favorite videos with thanks to all our wonderful camera operators and video makers:
4-23-18 – Mom brings a fish in each talon:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnT3kYZGBDs6-7-18 - Fish overboard, retrieval:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZp3dvmOr7c&t=42s6-8 -18 - Fish Gone In One Gulp!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHQqaTPxGNU6-10-18 – Learning the art of de-feathering:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HX5Wu6pRTYI6-13-18 - 6-13-18 Mom serves 3 fish in 5 minutes:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoFLRFnRE7Y7-1-18 - Tug O Fish Then Fish Overboard:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHoRKzQn404I love this video of Mom bringing a fish to the kids at the creek bank. D30 or D31 grab it and scurry to the right side with the other in pursuit, while D29 is irritated it lost out and rushes to scold Mom that it got aced out and to go get more! Ha! Mom just leaves!!
7-5-18 - Hanging Out By The Creek At N1:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IKro-pccWk&t=0s "