To date, we have checked in four hundred ducklings. Someone brought in a duck nest (I don't know the circumstances) with eggs, and just-hatched babies. The new chicks were checked in and weighed and put in an incubator in ICU. The unhatched eggs, all of which have pipped, were placed in our egg incubator. We expect to have more baby ducklings tomorrow morning, as these hatch overnight.
A kind Samaritan brought in six ducklings. Sadly, the mother was hit and killed on a freeway on-ramp. There were eight ducklings altogether, but only six were retrieved by the kind person who brought them in. He said he would go back and search for the others at the end of his work day. The six he rescued were in good condition, and we put them in a large shorebird box with a shallow pan of water, special heat lamp, and container of duckling food. New duckling arrivals generally spend the first night in a shorebird box in ICU.
I took our two baby Black-crowned Night Herons (feathered) and our baby Great Egret outside to a sun box, which is covered with netting on on side and a sheet on the other. On top of the netting, I put a branch with leaves, which gives the babies the dappled shade they would receive in their own nests. They are very fragile (we call them spun-glass) and require extremely gentle handling. Their beak and feet seem to be too big for their body. The BCNHs are very ferocious and vocal when approached, but their bites, although startling, don't really hurt.
BCNH looking ferocious