Beth sent me the link to this cam!
Video: Eurasian Oystercatchers Incubate their EggsFrom the website:
“The Eurasian Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus usually breed on the ground in open areas. The concept of roof-breeding is known from different sites. Aberdeen in Scotland is known for its population of roof-breeding Oystercatchers, counting about 230 pairs in 2004. In other countries the phenomenon is more uncommon, but is recorded (at least) in the Netherlands, Belgium, Finland, Latvia, Germany and Norway.
The Oystercatcher is one out of very few shorebirds that actually feed their young. This is also a condition for successful breeding on roofs up to 30 meters above the ground. In Bergen the adults feed in the parks near the building where they breed, and bring the food for their young. It seems that they mainly deliver Earth-worms Lumbricidae sp. to the chicks. The chicks stay on the roof until they are more or less able to fly.”
I’m not familiar with this oystercatcher, but the American Oystercatchers incubate their eggs 24 to 27 days. One can view the website in Norwegian or English. There are very charming updates, which you will enjoy reading. Here is the first update on the website:
28.04.2010 Welcome back to the roof of the 'Realfagbygget' in the middle of Bergen and to a new nesting season for myself, Kjellaug, and my mate Kjell. The webcam was up for testing as early as last week, so please be patient if the angle seems a bit odd for now. Today, I lay my first egg but won't be incubating properly until the second or even third eggs are laid.1) Link to live cam: Videostreaming using Windows media player:
1. Start windows media player
2. Choose File, Open URL, then type: cam has sound!