PATIENT: Peregrine Falcon, #10-2118
LOCATION: Richmond, Virginia
CAUSE OF ADMISSION: On ground, unable to fly
PROGNOSIS: Extent of injuries to eye and right shoulder will need to be assessed. A female Peregrine Falcon is currently undergoing treatment at the Wildlife Center of Virginia.
The Peregrine Falcon was found on the ground, injured and unable to fly, on East Cary Street in Richmond on Tuesday, October 12. She was picked up by A. K. Taylor of Richmond Animal Control and taken to the Cary Street Animal Hospital.
The falcon was examined by Dr. Kimberly Kuhn. Dr. Kuhn took x-rays of the bird and, in consultation with Wildlife Center veterinarian Dr. Miranda Sadar, concluded that the falcon should be brought to the Center in Waynesboro. Volunteer transporter Michael Knight drove the falcon to the Center, arriving at about 9 p.m.
At admission, the falcon was assigned Patient #10-2118 and examined by Dr. Sadar, assisted by Dr. Marc Isidoro Ayza [from Spain] and Pedro Paulo Giese Krindges [a veterinary student from Brazil]. In addition to a coracoid fracture identified in the earlier x-rays, the Center vet team found injuries to the falcon’s right shoulder and a detached retina in the bird’s right eye. Given that all of the injuries are on the same side of the bird, Center vets surmise that the falcon may have hit the side of a building or some other object.
Center vets administered pain medications, fluids, and anti-inflammatories and secured the falcon in a body wrap.
Photos from October 13 examinationOn October 14, the Center veterinary staff did a blood test on the falcon — results were within normal ranges. The staff redid the body wrap that was used to keep the bird from flapping its injured wing. With the old wrap, the falcon was sternal; with the new wrap, the bird could stand. The falcon was offered “quail two ways” — whole and chopped — and ate [she seemed to prefer whole].
October 18 updateThe peregrine was brought into the clinic for an examination and check-up by Drs. Miranda Sadar and Kelly Flaminio on October 18. New radiographs were taken, which indicated that the injuries to the right shoulder were healing well. The fractured portion of the coracoid is well-positioned. The vets will likely need to keep the peregrine in a body wrap for another two to three weeks.
The vet staff also had the first opportunity to perform a more thorough examination of the peregrine’s eyes while she was under anesthesia. Upon admission, the Center vets found that the peregrine had a detached retina in her right eye. On October 18, the vets found no improvement in that eye. In addition, a small spot was found in the peregrine’s left eye — most likely an older eye injury.
October 21 updateOn October 21, Drs. Miranda and Kelly took the peregrine to the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine at Virginia Tech for a consultation with J. Phillip Pickett, DVM, Professor of Ophthalmology in the Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences and Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists.
Dr. Pickett and his team found encouraging signs of healing in the bird’s right eye, with reattachment of the retina. Dr. Pickett also examined the bird’s left eye. There are two small scars there, which do not appear to compromise the bird’s sight.
Dr. Pickett would like to examine the peregrine in another four to five weeks [November 18 or later] to see how the eye has healed and to check the falcon’s sight.
Patient #10-2118 will continue to be housed in the Center’s inside patient ward, in a body wrap, for another two to three weeks. She is eating well — “like a pig”, to quote Dr. Miranda.
October 25 Update: A Case of Mistaken Identity … The falcon — a large female [weight of 1 kg] — was intially identified by Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries biologists as the female from the pair of peregrines that have been nesting in downtown Richmond since 2003 — first at the BBT Building, and more recently on the west building of the Riverfront Plaza. This pair has produced numerous offspring, included chicks that have been used to introduce peregrines into other areas of Virginia. This female also had been the “star” of the VDGIF Falcon Cam – a web-based camera focused on the falcon’s nest. Web-cam watchers have given this bird the name “Harriet” – her mate, of course, is Ozzie.
However, VDGIF biologists have now changed their minds and have concluded that #10-2118 is NOT “Harriet”. A pair of peregrine falcons has been seen in the past few days defending the downtown Richmond nesting site, and careful examination of photos of Harriet and #10-2118 suggest that these are NOT the same birds.
So who is #10-2118? According to Dr. Dave McRuer, the Center’s Director of Veterinary Services, this adult female is likely a southbound migrant – most probably from New England, Canada, or even Greenland.
November 9 – 10 UpdateOn November 9 #10-2118 was brought into the clinic for an examination. According to Dr. Miranda, the fracture site feels great and has a nice callus. New radiographs were taken; the fracture line in the coracoid is visible, but there is evidence of healing. The body wrap was removed from the falcon. She is holding her right wing slightly abnormally — not unexpected after a month in a wrap.
Center vets found that the Peregrine Falcon’s eyes are stable. The vets can still see areas of pigmentation where the retina is reattaching. The peregrine handled anesthesia — and the presence of a reporter and photographer from the Richmond Times-Dispatch – very well.
The peregrine has been housed indoors since admission. After the November 9 exam, the falcon was moved to a small outdoor flight enclosure and was able to hop/fly from the ground to a higher perch.
Dr. Miranda’s 7:15 a.m. update on November 10, “I just ran up the hill to check on her and she is perching on a middle height perch right now (and it looks like she ate a bit- quite impressive for her first night in a new place ).”
On December 2 the Peregrine Falcon has an appointment for a follow-up eye examination by Dr. Pickett at Virginia Tech.
November 19 updateOn Tuesday November 16, the Peregrine Falcon was moved into a larger flight pen to allow her to have more room to fly. The rehabilitation staff report that she is an excellent flier and is zooming around the flight pen. An additional eye exam revealed no changes.
December 3 update from Dr. MirandaThe Peregrine Falcon was taken to Virginia Tech yesterday to see Dr. Phil Pickett and the news was encouraging. Her left eye is stable (the one that just had a couple of scars present, which are old and stable). The right eye is healing well and the area of reattachment is shrinking (just like a scar on your hand would as it heals). Her foveas (the areas of focus) are present in both eyes and are intact and free of injury. Dr. Pickett is optimistic about this and sees nothing about her eyes that would impair her release.
Of course, we’re not completely out of the woods yet. We still need to exercise the peregrine to test her flight and ensure that she can make a complete recovery from her shoulder injury. Within the next couple of weeks we will creance her–which is taking her into a field on a fishing line and flying her–to give her the best exercise possible. This will also allow us to make a thorough assessment of her flight to determine if she is releasable.
December 14 update On December 9, the Peregrine Falcon was brought into the clinic for follow-up radiographs. Dr. Miranda reported that the bird’s right coracoid continues to heal well.
For the past week, the rehabilitation staff has been exercising the peregrine daily. The bird has been showing great progress in increasing stamina and in her ability to maneuver around obstacles. The Peregrine Falcon has been showing so much progress that the veterinary team began looking for other ways to condition her and evaluate her flight.
Dr. Dave McRuer contacted local falconers to see if they would be interested in training the peregrine using falconry techniques. The Wildlife Center is hoping this training strategy will better condition the bird through intense exercise and test the bird’s eye sight and wings as it attempts to capture artificial lures while in flight.
On December 13, the Center contacted a pair of experienced local falconers to see if they would be interested in training the peregrine using falconry techniques. The Wildlife Center is hoping this training strategy will better condition the bird through intense exercise and test the bird’s eyesight and wings as it attempts to capture artificial lures while in flight.
On Monday, December 13, Peregrine Falcon #10-2118 was transferred to two experienced local falconers – Eva and Andrew King. Ultimately, the goal is to unleash the falcon so that it can fly freely in the field while still returning to the falconers for food. This free-flight outdoors will improve the bird’s stamina, build muscle, and test the healed shoulder through repeated stoops, tight turns, and lengthy flights — key elements of a peregrine’s survival skills.
If the Peregrine Falcon passes these “tests”, she will be ready for release back into the wild. The Center believes that this approach provides the best opportunity to build up the falcon’s stamina and to ensure that she will be able to survive, and thrive, in the wild.
December 20 update from Eva KingThe Peregrine Falcon is doing very well. We began working with her on December 13 — the same night that Dr. Dave McRuer dropped her off with us.
The first part of this process is getting her comfortable around us, and build her trust in us. This is an essential first step before we can do any flight training and conditioning. In falconry, we call this part “manning” and it basically involves getting the bird used to us, establishing that we are no danger to her, and that good things happen when she’s around us. The falcon learns that being around us means easy food opportunities in a safe environment.
This first part of the training process can go very quickly or can take a while, depending on the individual bird. We have experienced birds that are totally relaxed around us and have “gotten the idea” within just a day, while others have taken up to a week.
The falcon is now sitting on the fist (on the falconer’s glove) comfortably and trusts us well enough to bend down to eat her food off the glove. That may not sound like much, but is actually a pretty big deal, because she has to take her eyes off the falconer to bend all the way down to the food at her feet. That takes courage on her part, and she’s doing it consistently now. She’s also fine with sitting on her perch, and her body-language tells us she is getting increasingly relaxed with her new living arrangement.
In a couple of days, we expect to start making the bird do a little bit of work for her food. That starts with asking her to stretch just a bit for food. Next we’ll get her to do a little hop, then she’ll do bigger and bigger hops until we graduate to free-flying outside. But that is still probably a few weeks down the line.
December 28 update from Eva KingWe hope you all had a good time over the holidays! We are excited to give you our “Holiday Update” on Peregrine Falcon #10-2118:
Since our last post, the girl has graduated to the next training stage: doing a little bit of work for her food. She is now consistently flying/jumping to the fist over a distance of six to seven feet to get bits of food. We have also introduced her to the lure, which is the training tool she will eventually chase in free flight.
Right now her lesson has the theme of “good things (i.e. safety and food) happen when you are on the glove, but the lure really is where the big portions come from.” At this point, the lure is not swung around yet, but just presented to her and she hops to it. She is still getting familiar with the idea. We have also started to put her outside in the mews [outdoor raptor housing], under supervision for a few hours at a time. This increases her sensory input and kicks up her metabolism. She is out in the weather and is more active in the mews than on her perch in the house. All this increases her appetite, which in turn gives us more training opportunities, as we have a mostly food-driven relationship.
A bit of Falconry 101 for the day:
- The lure is a leather pad on a line with meat attached to it. It is swung in the air at high speeds to simulate a bird in flight. Lures can be highly artistic, beautifully-crafted objects, designed to actually resemble the prey a falcon is being trained to pursue.
- Did you know that falconry is an ancient art with more than 4000 years of documented history? Surprisingly, lots of the equipment and basic techniques we use today have not changed all that much over the centuries and are mostly the same all over the world! We are excited that United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) recently recognized falconry as “Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.”
For now, we wish you all a Happy New Year and look forward to giving you our next update soon!
Information taken from the Wildlife Center of Virginia's website: Wildlife Center of Virginia is an internationally acclaimed teaching and research hospital for wildlife and conservation medicine located in Waynesboro, Virginia. Since its founding in 1982, the non-profit Wildlife Center has cared for more than 55,000 wild animals, representing 200 species of native birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians.